Monday, October 31, 2011

Fun in the sun.

Last week I "finished" another section of classes. Only a few more now, then a round of tests (all day tests that is) and then it should be home free.....all theoretically of course. My instructor told us today that we are in the homestretch now, which is quite comforting actually. I know I'm weird.

Last week was Eat the Streets again, I had some good food. The theme was "Latin", which I do have to say, Hawaiian style food and Latin, don't really go all that well together. I did have some interesting food though. I only took pictures of two things I got though. I had a burrito-pizza with their "mild" green chili. I wouldn't really say that their green chili was "mild", it had a pretty good kick to it. 

The second thing I got was actually quite amazing and I was very surprised by it. I got a Hawaiian Enchilada with Kalua pork inside. Surprising, it was very healthy and not very heavy on anything. Then again, I got it from a food truck that was about healthy eating. I think that was the best deal that I got ($6) for that. I also tried blue crab and lobster stew, lobster ravioli with pesto sauce, goat tacos, chimney cake, and spicy macaroni and cheese. (I think that is all, I might have forgotten something....) It was good times with friends though and it wasn't as crowded as last month. 

I also had Ultimate games on Saturday. I showed up a bit lat this week since I was down in town with my roommates. We went to go sign our lease for our place and we went out to eat lunch after. The place we went to is JJ Dolan's, and the pizza there was pretty good and all. Overall it was a good time with the roomies. Went and played Ultimate and then afterwards went to a coworkers Halloween party at his house. It was somewhat crazy, but not too crazy. I guess last year the cops were called, this year though the cops weren't called (well at least when I was there).

Sunday, I went to church and then went to the Windward side to a beach on the marine base, Pyramid Rock Beach. It was actually a pretty fun time with friends and then also meeting roommates of my friend Rick. The beach was a good time. The lifeguards had closed the water for a while due to rough surf and bad conditions, so we buried Sean in the sand (he actually wanted to be buried). We then tossed around a frisbee till ocean was opened back up to us. After that, all bets were off since we were boogie boarding, surfing (just Rick), and body surfing. There was also a monk seal on the beach (which you have to stay away from if they are on the beach). The waves were still pretty rough though even after they opened the water back up. We had a good time though. We took a picture (sans Rick) before I left. Mega is on the far right, Sean with the hat, Bryan in the background, and Ashley on the right. I should have stayed longer, but I had already committed to going to a movie with some other friends in town. I saw 50/50 with them. Not bad of a movie actually.

As promised, these are some pictures of food from Shokudo Japanese Restaurant and Bar. The top is the Lobster Dynamite Roll and the bottom is Honey Toast. 

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