Monday, October 17, 2011

Relaxing weekend

I have to admit, I'm going to be lazy this week since I don't really want to spend time writing a lot or really thinking in general. Last week was I guess normal. I went and gave blood on Friday, so that meant I got to leave after working 5 hours and get paid for the last 3 hours. Yes, pretty sweet deal I think that I get paid to go give blood. I do have to say that I think fall is slowly coming to Hawaii. The weather is getting a big cooler at night and it is starting to rain more. That's the only way I can tell that fall is here in Hawaii.

I went to dinner with friends at Spicy Ahi and BBQ Friday night. The food was actually pretty good and we had a good time. The bad thing was that we had to wait a while for a table because one of group members had to stay and watch the UH game (they lost by one point). We then went to Aiea bowl afterwards and went bowling. I had one of my worst games and the the second game was pretty good and I didn't have any alcohol like my friends. Some of my friends had some drinks and yeah they got a bit wild, nothing too bad though. It was a late night though, staying up till 1am.

Saturday, I played Ultimate. We lost two games, but won the third game. My friend Donald hurt his knee though and it seems that he might be out for a while, maybe the rest of the league, which would really suck for us and for him. My friend Rick also happened to volunteer me to take a guy and his bike down into town to UH university. Well, he didn't do it on purpose, he is just really nice and all. He felt bad though that he volunteered me. I actually didn't mind too much. I didn't have much to do the rest of the night and all. The guy that I took home, his name was Alex and he is an Urban Planner master's degree candidate at UH. Pretty interesting. He hasn't played much ultimate so we could relate on the fact that the "regulars" tend to leave us "new" people out.

Sunday, went to church, then went to study for a while at work, finally coming back and hanging out with my roommates watching Walking with the Dead. It was pretty much a laid back Sunday. I was waiting to see if my friend Rick was doing something, but he never called and all. I found out today that he went kayaking with his new roommate, but it's alright. Having a laid back Sunday was very nice. Walking with the Dead, interesting TV show that is on AMC. Although, I think the show is on the stupid side and somewhat predictable. The ending of the episode was sad though, the young kid got shot when he was going to try to pet a deer with a full rack on his head. I don't think the producers know how deer do not allow people to get too close to them. Back to the end of the episode, the deer gets show and the bullet hits the kid. Like I said, it was a sad ending.

I have also decided to talk to the people at church about relearning how to run the sound board or to see at least why they don't want me to learn. Basically find the politics behind the situation, despite how much I hate politics. I guess I will have to play some. Also, prayer still for Rick and my other friends to be open to the Gospel.

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