Monday, October 3, 2011

Fun times

Well, I had the great opportunity to hang out with friends this weekend, enjoy the outdoors and just enjoy and be very productive. So work is going alright, I am staying late everyday so that I can study and hopefully keep caught up with things. Electrical systems isn't really my thing at all, but I'm pushing through it. I just need to work on concentrating and using my time more effectively.

Now to the fun things, Friday evening I went to Eat the Streets down in town. It's a once a month event (last friday of the month) where there are a bunch of lunch truck type food available to try and eat. There actually was a great selection of food and I can't wait to go back for more at the end of this month. I think the most interesting thing that I saw was a Malasada burger. Yes, pretty interesting to say the least. It is hard to say what the best thing that I had though. Between the lychee pulled pork, or the ahi poki, ahh so many choices. It was great though since I went with a group of friends and we pretty much shared food, so I got to try more than one thing with the amount spent. Saturday, we decided to hike Koko Head. It was originally was going to be at 0700, but somehow we changed it to being a sunrise hike. Well I did make it up before the sunrise! It was a great hike and good times with friends. So just a few pictures....I know I have been slacking so I thought I would just fill this one with some pictures.


So I guess I should say who is who in the pictures, well the guy in the orange is my friend Rick, white shirt, Daniel, yellow shirt, Lauren, and grey shirt, Cate. I would have to say, it is great hanging out with everyone. I would like to say that if you could all pray for them it would be great. I had a good conversation with Rick on our way down from the hike, so it would be great if we could continue talking about God and the Bible if possible. After the hike, we went to breakfast at Koa Pancake House, which was pretty great and filling. We then headed off to the beach at Sandy's. We got pretty beat up though at Sandy's since the waves pretty much break on the shoreline. My friend Rick also hurt his shoulder so if you could pray that his shoulder would heal, that would be nice as well.

It was the second weekend of Ultimate. My hip has been hurting me so that was not very fun running on a hurt hip the entire time. We one game, but the lost the other two, although they were pretty close and we only had a few subs on our team. I also feel like my team captain isn't a very good captain at all. He doesn't lead by good example at all I feel.

Lastly, we had a guest speaker at church this Sunday. He was from Colorado, Fort Collins actually. It was a pretty good talk and a great message in how to share the gospel nice and easy and to see if you are growing in God as well. Five letters for each part. First, Growing in God. How do you know if you are growing in God.

  1. Reading the Bible
  2. Spending time in Prayer
  3. Spending time in Worship
  4. Fellowshipping with other believers
  5. Witness to others
You need all of them, not just one to grow effectively. Now for the second part of sharing the Gospel. 
  1. Heaven, that is a real place. 
  2. Everyone has sinned and we need a savior
  3. God sent His Son to be that Savior
  4. Christ is that savior, the one that died for us and paid the price so that we could be saved
  5. Faith in what you believe

His last illustration was that you can't have one or the other separately. We have to have both to have a strong growing relationship with God. You have one, it produces the other, and it will just strengthen the other. It is a working relationship in the end.

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