Monday, August 15, 2011


This past week has been pretty packed. Although, I will focus mainly on the weekend. A few things though during the week, I got my test back, did pretty well, but still a lot of room for improvement. I made some stupid mistakes, and on some other questions, just wasn't as specific as I should have been. Darn verbatim compliant-ness of the Navy.

So this weekend, was my church's youth (Junior and Senior High School) retreat out at Bellows AFS out on the East side of Oahu. I volunteered to work as a security person from 0200-0600. Needless to say, I am lacking sleep from this weekend. My weekend went pretty much like this, woke up Friday at 0400, went to work, got to Bellows at about 1800 Friday evening listened to the first study in Ephesians, had dinner there, listened to second chapter in Ephesians, helped prepare the fire pit and firewood for the fire at about 2000. After the fire started, hung out for a bit, but went to get some sleep about 2100, I got some unrestful sleep, woke up at 0150 and then did security duty till 0600. During that time, I watched the Perseid meteor shower, it was pretty good, but the full moon that night made it hard to see the meteors in that part of the sky. I watched the sunrise at about 0530-0600, woke up the kids at 0630, had breakfast at 0800, third study in Ephesians at 0900, drove back to the other side of the island to go to work at 1000. Got some lunch and dinner since I worked from 1130-2230. After I got off of work, I drove back to Bellows, and watched some of singing around the fire until about 2130, went to get some sleep before I had to wake up to do security again that night. Needless to say, I didn't go to bed Sunday till about 2130, so a little low on sleep.

Despite the fact of the low levels of sleep, the camp was great and I feel like the kids learned a lot. The teachings were all great and the leaders really are blessing the kids a lot. There was a water baptism at the end of the camp and there were a handful of kids that went down to get baptized. Some of the kids also went around sharing the gospel with patrons on the beach. I know I'm not giving the weekend full justice. I blame it on the lack of sleep, which I know is a very poor excuse. On the other hand, I will leave you with an amazing sunrise picture.

Sunrise Saturday 

Sunrise Sunday

Sunrise Sunday

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