Monday, July 18, 2011

Back to Day's

So last week, I found out Thursday when I went into work that some of us that were down on the project were going to go back to class. The bad thing was, I was planning on seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at midnight and one of the two was going to have to go to day shift. Well with that being said, we figured it out, I was staying on the project with the relief of the 4 that were going back up to classes. I was also switching to day shift but I did a gradual shift, came in early on Friday and then fully early today.

Midnight showing of Harry Potter.....well lets just say that it was crazy and there were more people there than I was expecting. The news crew was there and same with the paper taking footage and pictures respectively. The paper representative took our photo, but I went to the website and couldn't find us :( very sad day. I don't know why she didn't put up all the photos. Probably because it is Hawaii and they don't know how. But, the theater needs better planning for big releases. No real plan. They had people outside on the stairs and everything up till 11:30p before they were let in. Well some people didn't get in till probably close to midnight. Most of the theaters were empty since the movies that were in them got out early, why not start seating people in the theaters? You can get them inside and start spending lots of money on popcorn and other junk food. The theater definitely lost money in that respect. It was sold out though....all sixteen theaters.

The movie was really good I thought. It brought the series to a good end, although some of the things that were in the book didn't make it, and the directors had some creative changes, but otherwise it was really good. The two hour movie didn't really feel like two hours. Well, you can read the more in depth reviews if you want a better review. I do have to say this, the 3D version isn't much better than the 2D version. I also liked how they tied stuff from all the other movies.

Anyways, I'm back to possibly doing things with a group of friends that are very last minute planning which at the same time is quite frustrating since it is last minute and they normally plan something in town, which for me takes ~30 min to drive into town. Yes, I know that was probably a long run on sentence. For instance, yesterday, they planned on going to the restaurant, Mexico (Mexican food) and the guy that text me didn't know what time, where it was, etc. Yeah didn't find out until ~1.5 hrs before they were going all the info. I actually didn't go, although they said the food was pretty good, the best Mexican food they have found on the island. That isn't saying much since there are so few Mexican restaurants here.

Last thing, we had two guest speakers speak this weekend at church. In the morning we had the LA Lakers Chaplain, and in the evening the Sunday morning worship team drummer. Both were great talks and messages and didn't rush through the sermons. I'm also seeing if I can go back to learning to run a soundboard. Some of the people that I talked with thought it would be a good idea. I will have to start wading the political waters at church again....

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