Monday, July 25, 2011


This week was pretty mellow considering everything. Well, my chair that I was using in my room broke today, but I didn't get hurt so everything is good. I was attempting in trying to find another chair from either Savers or Goodwill, but to no avail. I ended up getting a pretty comfy, and a much needed upgrade in chair for my room from Costco this weekend. Work is going well, working first shift though. In some respects it is awesome and others it is not so much. The down side is that I have to be at work at 0500. Good thing is, I get out at 1330 which means I can go work out, go to the beach, and pretty much enjoy the rest of the day.

So another thing is, Borders is going out of business :( Yes, this is very sad for me, since I liked them much more than Barnes and Noble. I went to visit Borders by my house, let's just say it was insane and that was the most people I have seen in Borders at any given point, well except for releases of books such as Harry Potter.

Crazy people in line. Anyways, I ended up buying a few things from Borders. Seriers book: The Voice in the Wind series that David Addy suggested, and then the Circle Series that my friend Luke suggested. Overall, they are both good series and all. I was trying to find the George R. R. Martin books, well the not new mass market covers (I like the old ones better), but I couldn't find them. Oh well. 

Other than working and going shopping at crazy Borders, I also went to go see the Green Lantern at one of the movie theaters on base. The movie was alright, nothing spectacular. I also learned how to change my oil and reset the maintenance light. I never knew it was so easy to reset that warning light. Really only a couple of easy steps: 
  1. put your car odometer to "ODO" setting
  2. turn your car off
  3. while holding the reset button turn your car to "ON" (there should be about 6 dash lines slowly disappearing)
  4. once all the dash lines are gone, it should be reset and you can release the reset button 
I also wanted to show you a lovely picture of a rainbow and of the outside of the house in where I live. I live in the house to the right with the Prius and the Pathfinder in the car port. 

And lastly, I wanted to make you all jealous at the wonderful weather I had this weekend and a place where I spent most of the weekend. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Back to Day's

So last week, I found out Thursday when I went into work that some of us that were down on the project were going to go back to class. The bad thing was, I was planning on seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at midnight and one of the two was going to have to go to day shift. Well with that being said, we figured it out, I was staying on the project with the relief of the 4 that were going back up to classes. I was also switching to day shift but I did a gradual shift, came in early on Friday and then fully early today.

Midnight showing of Harry Potter.....well lets just say that it was crazy and there were more people there than I was expecting. The news crew was there and same with the paper taking footage and pictures respectively. The paper representative took our photo, but I went to the website and couldn't find us :( very sad day. I don't know why she didn't put up all the photos. Probably because it is Hawaii and they don't know how. But, the theater needs better planning for big releases. No real plan. They had people outside on the stairs and everything up till 11:30p before they were let in. Well some people didn't get in till probably close to midnight. Most of the theaters were empty since the movies that were in them got out early, why not start seating people in the theaters? You can get them inside and start spending lots of money on popcorn and other junk food. The theater definitely lost money in that respect. It was sold out though....all sixteen theaters.

The movie was really good I thought. It brought the series to a good end, although some of the things that were in the book didn't make it, and the directors had some creative changes, but otherwise it was really good. The two hour movie didn't really feel like two hours. Well, you can read the more in depth reviews if you want a better review. I do have to say this, the 3D version isn't much better than the 2D version. I also liked how they tied stuff from all the other movies.

Anyways, I'm back to possibly doing things with a group of friends that are very last minute planning which at the same time is quite frustrating since it is last minute and they normally plan something in town, which for me takes ~30 min to drive into town. Yes, I know that was probably a long run on sentence. For instance, yesterday, they planned on going to the restaurant, Mexico (Mexican food) and the guy that text me didn't know what time, where it was, etc. Yeah didn't find out until ~1.5 hrs before they were going all the info. I actually didn't go, although they said the food was pretty good, the best Mexican food they have found on the island. That isn't saying much since there are so few Mexican restaurants here.

Last thing, we had two guest speakers speak this weekend at church. In the morning we had the LA Lakers Chaplain, and in the evening the Sunday morning worship team drummer. Both were great talks and messages and didn't rush through the sermons. I'm also seeing if I can go back to learning to run a soundboard. Some of the people that I talked with thought it would be a good idea. I will have to start wading the political waters at church again....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Simplicity of Jesus

So it hit me yesterday while I was sitting in church on how unsimple the notion of Jesus has become. Churches make other things priorities other than Christ. Whether it be numbers attending, how many become Christians at altar calls, or how great the music is. What has become the focus of the church. Was the message good? Was it too long? Was it too short? The question that should be asked to each one of us, did the message lead me to God. That is the key, everything that we do should bring our worship to God. If it goes somewhere else, then it is totally worthless.

The other thing was that I should be happy with where God lead me to. Sure, I wanted to work somewhere else, and not for the government that takes forever to do anything. Sure the government spends money on fruitless things and we don't understand what the rational behind it is. But for me, I should be seeking more on why God brought me here. That should be my focus and then once found, I should expound on it and make the best of the situation that he has brought me into until he moves me somewhere else.

So the simplicity of Jesus is as the name portrays: Quite simple. The gospel, the good news, the Bible all leads to Jesus. Whether in the old testament or the new testament, it all points back to the man named Jesus Christ who came to save us. We were sinners, he died for us, he bought us with his blood, he was buried for our transgressions, and he was resurrected to give us a power over death.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July weekend.

I know this is a bit of late post from my normal routine. Only excuse is that it was a holiday and that I was travelling. 

First off I went came to Colorado/Wyoming for a wedding of a good friend from college, Michael Deal. He and his now wife Laura Deal (formally Laura Burke) had an amazing wedding up in Casper, WY where they both grew up. I did not know this, Laura's family is huge and they can be a bit overwhelming at times. You either have to gradually get involved with the family or just get them in small doses. They also had this amazing dog named Solomon who was a white mix. Good thing, I didn't wear black too much because he was shedding everywhere. 

The wedding took place at St. Anthony's Church which the building was pretty amazing and rather old. The acoustics in the church were interesting as well, and the PA system just bounced off of the walls and high ceilings at times. 

I didn't take any pictures during the wedding, that would have just been a bit weird during the wedding. They did have a professional photographer and videographer capture their wedding though. I was also a part of their wedding, in that I walked down with some water from Golden. Mike and Laura wanted to mix water from the six major parts of their life symbolizing a new start with their mixing of the water after saying their vows. 

The wedding reception was at the Casper Petroleum Club. Nice old building with some heritage to it. Funny thing is they post the current prices of oil, coal, and uranium when you come into the building. Below are some pictures of the cake, the grooms cake and glasses with the bride and groom's name engraved. 

For someone that can't really dance, or that I didn't know that he could dance, my friend Mike did a really good job dancing at the reception. Also, I do have to say that Laura's dress was amazing.

Besides from pictures, I had to get evidence that Mike danced at his wedding with his beautiful wife. 

After coming back from WY, I got to spend a short few days in Colorado. I went and visited Golden and looked at the new construction of the place. I just ended up taking two pictures of the new Brown Building expansion and the street demolotion of 16th street. The webcam pictures on the Mines website doesn't give good justice I think. There is suppose to be a fountain in the cul-de-sac area as seen in the second picture. Hopefully it looks good in the end. I believe that the expansion of Brown is already getting moved into. I should have taken some pictures of the new dorm, but I didn't. 

I also saw fireworks at the Aurora Mall with some friends. Overall, it was a good time in Colorado. Dry heat is pretty amazing, but the allergies are a killer. I just wish I could have stayed a bit longer in Colorado.