Monday, April 4, 2011

Short update.

Running a 10k and not really training for it mostly won't go too well with your body. I do have to say that it was a beautiful run with roughly 3000 other people. I would have to say for the following 3 hours after the race, I couldn't really walk comfortably because my arches were a bit inflamed. I wish Clear Creek was around to go soak them in the cold water. I did pretty well. Not as well as I was hoping, but still good none the less. I have some training to do for next year though for where I would like to be. The fastest time I believe was close to 35 min.

I also went to my roommate's commissioning ceremony on Sunday afternoon. He was being commissioned as a 2LT in the Army National Guard. Small ceremony but still great. They also had a very specific swearing in statement that caught me off guard.  It so happened to be the second commissioning ceremony that I have attended in the past year. The large golf ball that was in the harbor mysteriously left I think early Friday morning. It must have just been in for light repairs and to stock up on suplies when it was in port.

I'm also learning how to run the sound mixer at my church. It's been an interesting experience to say the least. I feel like it is the blind leading the blind when it comes to showing things on the mixer we have. I would say, I know some of the features better than that of the people in charge. It's hard to practice though when things are live when they won't let you on the board. I will have to work on that. I guess it will be back to YouTube to learn more about the board. In a couple of weeks I will also be starting shift work for a key event for one of the boats here. It should be pretty interesting, it will be one of the most "stressful" times in the job that I will have so it will be a good experience. Also, it will be a great opportunity for some overtime. You can't beat that.

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