Monday, April 11, 2011

No Furlough....

The big news last week was if the government was going to shutdown come midnight Friday. The big media coverage, the huge scare and the horrible job of the legislation to actually do anything on a fast pace. Needless to say though, the government cut a deal with about an hour to spare at 2300 EST.

I do have to say I was rather disappointed that the government didn't shut down. I would have just had to go to work today for "4 hours" to get everything into a shutdown mode and then leave and not come back till I was called back. Yes, it would have been unpaid and all, but my guess I would have been retroactively paid. Congress in their best interest to better themselves with the voters would have had to approve that payment. 800,000 workers without pay and not going to get pay, yeah you would not be re-elected next term at all. Unfortunately, I have to go to work this week. You might also be wondering why I'm writing so early this week, well it's because I'm working second shift this week instead of day shift. Just to change things up a bit. In a few weeks I'll be working second shift for oh I would guess at least 4 weeks, possibly longer, depending how tests go.

My church also started the Truth Project this past Friday. I'm going to try to go to as many as I can when I'm not working, so I'll see how many I end up going to. I do have the DVDs so I can watch them and catch up each week. The group is rather large which is a bummer. It leads to a less intimate discussion session at the end in which the people that want to talk can talk, and those that do not want to talk don't have to talk. With approximately 90 people doing it, well yeah that's understandable. I would say you could break up into smaller discussion groups after the video to discuss what you learned and what you thought with the same group each week.

I also found out why they said to not scuba dive when you are sick. I didn't actually scuba dive per say, but going snorkeling and spear fishing, yeah ear equilibrium didn't happen very easy and hurt more than normal. I guess another good thing about being on second shift, I can possibly get more sleep to hopefully get over this sickness before it turns into something worse which would affect work that is coming up. If I remember, I will try to post some pictures of the snorkeling that I did this weekend later.

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