Monday, April 18, 2011


This is the time of year for many of us to recall what we have done in the last year. Mainly for today, those who procrastinate to the end, on how much we made and how much we owe the government for taxes. Taxes due at midnight, now I don't really know if that means midnight eastern standard time, or midnight in your respective time zone. It doesn't matter that much to me though since I finally filed my taxes a couple of weeks ago. I also got around to finally registering to vote here in Hawaii. I will no longer (hopefully) get ballots from Colorado.

I also got a letter in the mail recalling a feature in my car. There had seemed a problem that the gas pedal could get stuck by the mats and create a problem if you were trying to stop. Well, I took it into the dealer to get fixed, waited around for about 2 hours while they did their thing and then finally left. I also could have argued that they didn't do everything thing that the letter said, but it wasn't worth it and I had to get ready to go to work. I guess I did get a "complimentary" certificate to get my oil changed for my troubles. I'm always wary with the dealerships, they always seem to "find" things that need to be done on your car so they can charge you and arm and a leg to get it fixed. Weird how dealerships work. Their labor fees are also extreme, even more so here in Hawaii.

How, if you recall the current gas prices, you can see a nice trend that the gas prices keep increasing with no specific "special" media coverage. The media have something else "important" to cover ranging from the budget problems, the political battles, the wonderful wars we are in, and here and there the Japanese nuclear reactor crisis (although the latter has been hard to get information on in mainstream media). But back to the gas prices, I think that the 10 cent increase each week should be address. It just seems that the top dogs in Washington either don't care that the gas prices are increasing, which limits people buying other items, which could lead the economy to another depression, or they are in it to ruin the economy by doing this. Who really knows, one can only speculate. Anyways, the average gas price here in Hawaii is around $4.359/ gallon I believe.

I also climbed Koko Head again this weekend. It is equivalent to the Red Rocks workout in my book. Just over 1000 "stairs" straight up the "mountain" makes for a pretty good workout. I should stop going though during the middle part of the day. If I do it again this weekend, it will definitely be done in the morning before it gets too hot. Speaking of hot, the trade winds stop last week which made it pretty much unbearable for those days. The humidity shot up from the normal ~67% to about 86% humidity. Now you might not think that is a lot, but when you have to work outside in an industrial area, that difference in humidity makes a huge difference, just ask my friends in Houston.

Now this week is a great time to remember and recall the importance of Easter that is this Sunday. The "final" week started this past Sunday, Palm Sunday with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. So, what did the people of Jerusalem miss when this event occurred? It was prophesied that it would happen pretty much almost to the day, yet the people of Jerusalem didn't get it. I guess that's why it is the second place in the Bible that it records that Jesus wept. So with this, are we missing something or the significance of this coming week? It is a good question at this time, when most of America seems to go to church on Easter and Christmas during the year. This week, leads to most important day for believes in Christ. This week will be spent in remembrance of what Jesus had to go through leading up to His death on the cross. 

Jerusalem from the Mt. of Olives (yes, I took this)
So for next week: Easter, Resurrection Sunday, what is the importance of that day to you?

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