Monday, March 28, 2011


This week is going to be rather short. So I've been back in classes doing "make-up" classes that I haven't done or have started and then stopped because of other things going on for the last two weeks. Some of the classes are interesting, some aren't so much. I should be done with them tomorrow for at least awhile. Good thing though is that I have been working for six months now. Yes, I have made it through six months now at a somewhat boring government job at times. Earlier this week we had the "golf" ball return to the harbor. 

It had come into Pearl Harbor just before President Obama visited the islands for his "vacation" (spending thousands of US tax payers dollars) and then left abruptly at the end of January I believe. Now you can't really tell how big this floating "golf" ball really is. I will just say that you can see a crane on the picture below and just the relative size of the ball to the crane. The ball and all of its support equipment rest on an old Russian Oil Platform. Some of you probably know how big those are so it can give you a relative size of the floating ball. Now you probably want to know what the "golf" ball is. It's the Sea-Based X-band Radar (SBX). It cost the military roughly $900 million, and is a 28-story-tall missile defense radar. The home base is in Alaska. Needless to say, I would like to go take a tour of the golf ball, but I don't think I will be able to. 

Some perks about being able to get on the military installations in Hawaii are that I get to get close to floating flotillas such as that golf ball and also see the USS UTAH memorial which is on Ford Island and not so easy to see if you are a civilian. If you come out and visit, we can go see the memorial. 

The USS UTAH like the more famous memorial of the USS ARIZONA is there to remember the shipmen that were lost during the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941. The memorial is on the opposite side of the island than that of the USS ARIZONA. 

The home fellowship that I was going to on Friday's finished the book of Ezekiel. The next thing that they are doing is the Truth Project at the church. Originally, it was going to be in a classroom with limited space, but after the promo video was showed this weekend at church, there was an overwhelming response and I believe now they will be having it in the main sanctuary. The only problem I can see with that is hopefully they break up into smaller groups to discuss the DVD otherwise I think a lot of people will miss out on the purpose of small groups for the Truth Project. 

Lastly, the children's ministry performed a musical this weekend for the Sunday evening service called "Solid Rock Cafe". It was a 50s theme with some southern slang thrown in there. It was pretty good, but I think I was spoiled from my elementary days and middle school days with those children's ministry plays. The musical still had a good message and gave a chance to have people to answer the altar call that the pastor gave after the musical was done. The kids did a really good job. I was impressed that the younger kids (4-5 yr olds) could stay on stage that long and pay attention through the entire thing. 

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