Monday, March 7, 2011

Speech Impediments, that should not stop you...

I had an interesting Thursday night/Friday night, in which the powere went out at about 0330. I believe it was because of lightning hitting the power line or something like that, overloading the grid. Someone with more electrical background can probably explain it better than I. So needless to say, it made getting ready for work an hour later a bit interesting, doing everything in the dark....I did have hot water though, which was amazing. I thought I was going to have to take a military cold shower and all, but no, hot water was amazing. I ended up taking a nap when I got home (and I had power again). Yes, naps, you may think you have out grown them, but in college you definitely start seeing naps coming back. I had to take a nap since I was planning on going to the Bible study about prophesy that night and the last time I went to that, I stayed there till midnight without a nap. That was an adventure. 

Instead though, I ended up going to a friends house for dinner. He and his wife hosted me and we ended up talking and just hanging out for a couple of hours. They had had power all day and even better for him, he called in "sick" so he didn't have to go to work. Works in the long run, I think it was mainly because the couple he normally carpools with was taking the day off because family was in town. I think the next time I go over there, the will have some more board games. My friend was looking into getting Carcassonne the game. Now, as he was explaining it, I was thinking to myself, "This game sounds really familiar." After thinking about it, I have played this game, it was over the summer I think with Kalen. For some reason, I should have known that Kalen had this game. He has so many of these games. My friend also showed me this awesome documentary about the most popular web based game, Minecraft, Interesting thing about this game is that it goes back to the olden in like 16 bit/32 bit type look, blocks, no curves, etc. Brings back memories of the old days.

Saturday I went and to Barnes and Noble in town. Now, I do have to say, that I do not like BN as much as Borders, probably because the feel of their stores and the level of customer service that I normally get. BN didn't disappoint again, the Customer Service person that I talked to wasn't the most friendly, and BN "Religion" section was just one bookshelf. I was trying to find CS Lewis books and of course he is in like three sections. I couldn't find his books in Religion so I ended up giving up. I got some other books instead. Now, I went there to use the gift certificates that I had to BN. I had a sweet groupon coupon for $20 that I paid $10 for, and also I figured since Hawaii is pretty late dated in everything, I could get rid of the really old paper BN gift certificates that I had found while I was moving. Yes, you heard that correctly, paper gift certificates. Well they did still have check readers (yes people over here use checks all the time it seems like) so I was in luck! I should have taken a picture of those gift certificates, but I forgot to do that. Sorry all, you cannot share in the keeping of old outdated paper gift certificates. The three books I ended up getting were, Ted Dekker's The Heaven Trilogy and Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World, and the third, Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice.

While I was down at Ala Moana shopping center, the Cherry Blossom Festival was coming to an end. The festival is pretty much a culmination of Japanese culture fashion and person pageant (I think). Not only do they have a fashion part, I think the main focus is on history, outreach, and community service. It just has to be focused on Japanese decent. The main interesting thing though was in the area above the stage there was Wonder Woman.

The interesting part of the festival (the part I ended up staying for) was the Japanese Taiko Drums. Now, if you haven't heard them, they normally play at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) Lunar Festival celebration put on by the Professional Asian Society of Engineers and Scientists (PASES). This drum group though were not all females as with the one that plays at CSM. This one was a co-ed group. The first song was set up as below. A video of the first performance can be found here (youtube link). I wish I knew that they were going to just play two songs, then I would have recorded both songs. Oh well. 

I also saw SNOW!!!!!! Well, it wasn't really snow, but the "thought" of snow. The Special Olympics of Hawaii was actual doing a polar bear dip fundraiser. Now where is Nathan Valentin when you need him? Anyways, it was jus interesting to see how they brought snow here to Hawaii. Basically, just a lot of ice. I didn't actually jump in, since I saw it when they were packing up. Maybe next time though. I think Clear Creek is pretty cold after the spring snow melt would be hard to beat that. 

Sunday I stayed late at church when talking with some friends and we ended up sitting through the Junior High and High School service. Now, I know the guy that is doing their classes and he is a pretty intense guy and really has a passion for evangelism. So, question for you, do you witness enough and at every opportunity that you have? I know I don't. I don't share the gospel with everyone I talk with. I guess that should change, but in small steps. At work, it's pretty hard to talk about things like that without  getting into too much of a debate or heated conversation. I do like his method of remembering how to share the gospel, but granted there are also many other ways to do share. Love Jesus Christ RatFace. So weird thing right? Well L is to share the Law, and how we fall short of the Law. J because we break the law, we have to face the judgement of our sins. Of course you have to explain what sin is. C confess the sin that we have done. Now you have to also explain who Jesus Christ is, not just a man, but the Son of God who was holy. R repentance, you have to repent from your sins that you have confessed. F faith, have faith in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross. Now there is that little saying, but you have to remember to fill in the gaps with the necessary details. 

I think the highlight of my week was watching The King's Speech. The movie was very surprising and really well made. I would highly suggest watching it if you haven't seen it yet. Now I'm waiting for the movie to finish uploading so that I can post this. I'm also watching (and enjoying) the torrential rain that is happening currently. See below for a friend that I found this past week, enjoy. 

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