Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Challenge

Mother's Day. Everyone has a mother, despite if they know her or not. Mothers have tremendous influence on their kids. Like my pastor pointed out this weekend, you always see the big football players or basketball players or famous people in general always thanking their moms or saying hi to their moms on television. I would like to thank my mom for always being there and being supportive in everything that I do as well as with my sister. Mom I would say are very important to the development of children. I know I wouldn't be the person I am now without the influence from my mom.

Besides from it being Mothers day yesterday, the past week has been pretty good overall. I mean I'm getting used to working swing shift and I only  had to work one day this weekend instead of both days. I'm not allowed to work more than 13 consecutive days without the shipyard commander's permission and at this time, I don't need it. Maybe later on in the key event will I get the permission, but for now, it's alright not working more than the 13 days in a row. Working on the weekends can be boring sometimes, depends what is going on. This past weekend, not much is going on so I got to leave after working 7.5 hours. Not bad if really. I get paid time and a half for working on the weekends, so it's a pretty good deal, especially since it has been raining a lot.

On that note, the rain, it's just been raining for the last week pretty much every day. Yes, you might say, it's Hawaii, it always rains, but this is not the sprinkle here or there, it's a pretty good rain fall. The rainy season should be coming to a close, and from what I've heard, it's unusual to get this much rain so late into the season. I guess it's also good since they say we have been in a "drought", although I think every state says that. I think they said it has rained so much because the storm that passed the islands earlier in the week, double backed and hit the islands again. Two for one punch I guess. As it stands right now, we have a chance of rain for the rest of the week.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden, some think that he was killed months ago, some think that he wasn't killed and taken prisoner by US forces, and some think that he has evaded capture/killing again. Who knows what the actual story is, but it has been the headline news story over the past week. It also seems to have been a political move (Obama's ratings went up 6% in one poll after the announcement of Bin Laden's death). Despite all the different theories, it has been overlooked on a rather large scale that we invaded a friendly country without permission, fired shots in that country again without permission, and also blew up a helicopter of our own in that country. Sure, we wanted the surprise attack and no warning, but really, why do we want to piss of more countries at us, especially friendly ones? This I feel is why a lot of the countries hate America because we can do what ever we want. We have the military force, which we spend billions of dollars on fighting other countries wars and being the police of the world. Should we be policing the world when we have larger problems in our backyard? That is something that the media and the government tends to turn a blind eye to. Also, just for thought, why is the United States changing stance with Israel? Didn't God say that He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel? I guess it isn't too surprising since our countries morality and religious roots are being undermined continually.

The last thing on my mind recently has been discipleship. Now how many can say they have experienced discipleship and have discipled someone. I honestly don't know how many can say that, but it is something that I feel that we are called to do. Disciples, Jesus had 12 disciples that He poured himself into for three years, and in turn they went out and preached the good news after his death (minus one of course). We are called to be disciples in the Great commission seen in Matthew 28: 18-20. I've been praying about discipling some guys at my church. I would encourage you guys to pray about discipling someone at your church or school. It doesn't just have to be the "next leader" you see that will replace you or want to replace you, but everyone in the fellowship should be discipled. Don't pick the ones that you know will be a success at discipleship, but go after the guys and gals that are on the edge and really challenge them in their faith.

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