Saturday, February 18, 2012


So, I have to admit, I've been both busy and lazy and haven't posted anything in a few weeks. I guess I just get lazy and don't want to spend the time to write anything. I've also been bad about uploading pictures and stuff to my computer to add to these, so that's another reason why I haven't written anything.

In the past few weeks, I went on a whale watching cruise and sunset cruise. It was pretty cool. We saw about 10 different humpback whale (I believe) and the company even had a hydrophone so we got to hear the humpback whale while they were under water.

I don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but I also went scuba diving in the past weeks. I got to hear the whales underwater as well. The bad thing about scuba was that my underwater case for my camera decided to develop a very small leak at pressures (as I looked later when trying to dry out everything, it was because of a small piece of lint). I got all the pictures from the camera, but I haven't been able to get the camera to work yet. I decided to also join the craze and buy a Go Pro. I got the outdoor Hero2 edition.

I also turned 26 this past week. Yes, I know I'm getting pretty old. It was a good time. I went out with friends for dinner. Had some bad reaction with either something that I ate, the tequila, or a combination of both. Anyways, it ended up in a small mess. I also went out to a night club afterwards with some friends. my ears are still ringing though from the music. It is so much better at clubs when you have a date to dance with. My roommates are pretty awesome though. They all went out with me and my friends for dinner and then also one went out to the club with me afterwards.

One of my roommates also has "adopted" a small bird yesterday. He almost stepped on it when getting out of his car, and has been caring for it since. It is doing a lot better since I first saw it. He has been feeding it, and keeping it warm, but putting a warm water bath under another container and then wrapping it in towels and the like. It seems to being doing much better now.

I have to say, I will try to get to adding some pictures and all. But these next few weeks are going to be sparse since I'm studying for the trifecta of last written tests to become qualified by the Navy to work on their reactors. There is so much stuff to remember and to keep straight. So that is what I will be doing the next couple weeks. I hope to leave the island the day of taking that test, but I have to make sure the date doesn't move, so I haven't bought any tickets yet. That's all for now though.

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