Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Fall into Something New

Last week, I guess actually a lot happened last week. First of, covering of Single Awareness day. Yes, it was nice not doing anything or spending lots of money or worrying about getting a reservation at a restaurant. I just spent it at home with my housemate that is here and watched TV. Quite spectacular in the end if I do say. I think I would celebrate Valentine's day not actually on valentines day, just so that it is easier to get a reservation, roses are cheaper, and yeah everything pink, red, and white is on sale. Best time to buy candy, right after a holiday. But that is besides the point.

I also turned the big 25 this past week. It was on a work day, so I didn't do anything till the weekend, but I did go to the beach and meet some friends there. This weekend though (Saturday), I went skydiving with some friends and then out to dinner on Friday. So skydiving, this was my second time going skydiving and I would have to say that it was much better than my first time skydiving. We jumped out at 14,000 ft which was about 4,000 ft more than what I jumped out at last time. This gives approximately 60+ sec of free fall time. Now if you want to calculate the terminal velocity, you can do that if you want, but I prefer not to at the moment. You have to go tandem until you get certified to jump. The guy I went with was pretty awesome. His name was Greg and he was pretty laid back and chill. I also think that all the jumpers were getting tired since there were so many groups on Saturday (we were group 17 to go). We ended up doing somersaults out of the plane. Now normally, you would just fall out or do one flip out of the plane and then just go to the free fall position with your arms out and all. Instead, we went for 6 flips in a row and then went to the free fall position. It was also cool at our parachute altitude, there were clouds, so we ended up pulling the chute in the clouds after falling about half way though them. It was pretty sweet. Greg ended up letting me take control of the parachute for a while while we were floating down to the landing area. Only downside to the skydiving was being there at 1130 and not jumping till 1630. Dinner afterwards was at Paesano Ristorante Italiano. The food was alright, not as good as Uncle Bos for sure, but not too horrible. The only thing was that the service was not so good, or what you expected from the "fancy" look of the restaurant. I still enjoyed the food and the company of friends.

Now going backwards, Friday night, I went to a small group from church that pretty much covers prophecy, end times stuff, and current events and how they fit in with prophecy. I do have to make an observation note that a lot of the people that went to this study are somewhat crazy it seems, and quite possibly could see conspiracy in everything that happens in the world. I don't want to say that prophecy is a bad thing to study and get into, granted the Bible is what over half prophecy, so it is an important thing to study and take head to. It's just that some of the things said at the study were viewed I would say from one vantage point so giving a natural bias. The website of the leader of the group is if you want to look more into it. The host (Robert) and his wife (Mary) are very knowledgable in current world events and prophecy. I do have to disagree with some of the things that Robert thinks though, in that one being that the King James version is the best version because it comes from the greek text that isn't limited. Now using just the KJV is in today's world "antiquated" to a degree and hard to understand. I don't know for certain if it can justly be the "correct" version to use because of the greek wording it comes from. Now about other versions that he talks about in one of his new articles ("Why I choose the King James Version"), some of the new versions definitely change the meaning of verses from say the KJV or the NKJV (New King James Version) and would give a different picture on things. That could go into a bigger debate and all. I ended up staying till about midnight there talking afterwards and have received many DVDs to watch in the mean time. I will get to them, but in short, I think one of them shows that 9/11 was a setup and the airplanes actually didn't take down the buildings, but instead it was an internal demolition of the building because of how fast it fell (approx the speed of gravity) as it pancaked down. I do have to honestly say that I do not remember how the buildings fell since it was so long ago. I will have to watch these DVDs and then think about what they show.

Lastly, there seems to have been a theme that I have been reading in devotions and in a book that I was reading and then ultimately concluded with the Sunday message this past weekend. So one of the devotions covered mostly topics of Love because the week of valentines, with the topic titles of "Love Brings Obedience", "Sin is Lawlessness", "Love assumes the Best", "Restless Love", "Learning to Love", " Forgive to be Forgiven", " Deny Yourself", and " Take up Your Cross". Now why did I bring this up? Well I think the reason comes down to one guy at work that I have been having problems getting a long with. It was just pressed upon me that I need to forgive him for what he has done and change my attitude towards him to love. One of the verses with the topics was John 14:21 " He who keeps my commandments, it is he who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father and I will love him and manifest myself to him". Wow, right? What was Jesus' answer to the greatest command and the second greatest commandment? "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul" and "Love your neighbor as yourself". Now I would say a lot of us say we do the first one and with ease, it would be the second commandment that is the more difficult. Needless to say, I killed the pride and talked with him and it seem so far that things are going better. I think he was really surprised at what I did and hopefully that will be a good thing and we can continue to change the attitude towards each other 180 degrees. Sunday's message tied in since the pastor talked about James 1:19-20 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God." How often do we just say something with out actually listening or thinking of what we are saying. I know I have to change that attitude and learn to hold my tongue more and listen to everything before opening my mouth to speak.

Ashley, I hope you get better so you will have a voice when you have to talk at IVCF in a couple of weeks and that was a lot less of "woohoo"

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