Friday, September 24, 2010

Time before starting

I had the opportunity to go to the MCAS Kaneohe Bay air show featuring the Blue Angels before I started work. This was actually pretty fun, in the fact that I went with my Uncle and Aunt out here and we got to on the day before it was opened to the public. We got to the day it was open for military and civilians. It was basically their "practice" day, but it was still pretty fun since it was not very crowded, and I got to walk around without fighting tons of people, and the best part, I could watch the air show from the VIP seats without getting yelled at. So since this is a back dating of a post to reflect when it was, I can't really remember much of what I saw or the experiences.

I do have to say is that when President Obama comes and visits, he comes to the Marine base to work out (where the air show is). 

Anyways, the Blue Angels are the Navy planes that go around and perform at around the country to show the capabilities of the Navy planes and the flying skills of the Navy pilots. Now, don't ever confuse the Air Force planes with the Navy planes. Navy and Air Force get really angry when you confuse them or lump them together. Very contentious matter because each branch think they are better than the other. But since the Blue Angles are Navy planes, the air show was at the Marine base instead of the Air Force base. Now you ask why at the Marine base, first of the Navy installations on the island don't have a runway, and second Navy and Marines are like one and the same (but not really). The Blue Angels were the last act of course of the air show, but they left the planes out on the tarmac for most of the time to "show" them off. 

The part in my opinion was the demonstration of the F-22. This plance is pretty much the top of the line plane with technology that is really impressive. This was the closest I could get to the F-22, there were two on the tarmac, but only one was used in the demonstration. 

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