I have nothing really of importance to report for this last week. One of my friends was going to Maui for the weekend, which yes, I am jealous that I didn't think about doing something like that. Instead I worked for 10 hours on Saturday and pretty much sat around all day. Yes, gotta love the government, getting paid a lot to sit around. I guess in a way, I'm earning back my taxes......and at the same time contributing right back to it.
I do have to say, I watched all of HBO's Game of Thrones TV series this weekend, and it does follow the first book rather closely. Granted like all movies/TV series based on a book, there are liberties taken. From what I saw, there wasn't too many huge ones that alters the story dramatically.
Lastly, I went to the optomist to get my eyes checked since I needed a prescription to get glasses. I wanted to get glasses because I stare at old computer screens all the time. Yes, the really old CRT screens and I can see the refresh rate on the screen. It just hurts my eyes too much, so went to go get prescription. I ended up getting the glasses at Costco since their frames were much cheaper than at Kaiser. Granted Kaiser had big name brands and all, but I didn't really like most of the frames there and the prices were mostly double or more than that of Costco. Besides, I now just need to file some paperwork, and I should be able to get paid back for the glasses, the glasses visit, and also my dentis visit that I had earlier this month.
Oh also I will be in Colorado/Kansas this weekend. I don't know if I will make it to Golden though. I'm mostly there for a wedding that is in Kansas.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
so what?
Exactly my point. The one day I had off this week, it decides to be all rainy and not very nice weather wise. I did enjoy my nice trip up on the east side of the island though. It was very nice and relaxing. Although, I wish I could have gone kayaking like I had planned or hiking which was my back up plan. Alas, the weather did not want to cooperate at all. I did find this sign at the macademia farm on the east side of the island. I don't know how easily it is to read some of distances and all to other places around the world from that point. Give or take a few miles and all.
Saturday night I went to Ka, which I remembered when I got there that it was a club and lounge. Needless to say it was a pretty good night. I went there to celebrate a co-workers birthday. She got pretty drunk and all. The club was really crowded, but overall a good time. I left "early" though since I was really tired. I should have planned better and all. I failed in that aspect. I have proof that I was there by this stamp.
Random thing as well, when I was walking around the mall after coming back from the Verizon store, I saw this t-shirt in the window and couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a picture of it.
Random thing as well, when I was walking around the mall after coming back from the Verizon store, I saw this t-shirt in the window and couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a picture of it.
So I was at the Verizon store trying to get a discount on my bill because I hold a CAC card. Well I could have but since I'm still on my parent's plan through IBM, IBM actually has a better discout that the federal government. Who would have thought. It's good to know though that I could get a discount and all.
Lastly, one of my bosses at work just throughly pissed me off last night due to the fact that he can't answer a question honestly. He always have to ask a question to answer the question. Probably because he doesn't know the answer to my question. He pretty much throughly confused me after I asked one question because he skewed the entire conversation to something unrelated and then blamed me on why everyone was confused. I do have to apologize to a coworker though since I kinda took out the frustration on her.
Monday, August 15, 2011
This past week has been pretty packed. Although, I will focus mainly on the weekend. A few things though during the week, I got my test back, did pretty well, but still a lot of room for improvement. I made some stupid mistakes, and on some other questions, just wasn't as specific as I should have been. Darn verbatim compliant-ness of the Navy.
So this weekend, was my church's youth (Junior and Senior High School) retreat out at Bellows AFS out on the East side of Oahu. I volunteered to work as a security person from 0200-0600. Needless to say, I am lacking sleep from this weekend. My weekend went pretty much like this, woke up Friday at 0400, went to work, got to Bellows at about 1800 Friday evening listened to the first study in Ephesians, had dinner there, listened to second chapter in Ephesians, helped prepare the fire pit and firewood for the fire at about 2000. After the fire started, hung out for a bit, but went to get some sleep about 2100, I got some unrestful sleep, woke up at 0150 and then did security duty till 0600. During that time, I watched the Perseid meteor shower, it was pretty good, but the full moon that night made it hard to see the meteors in that part of the sky. I watched the sunrise at about 0530-0600, woke up the kids at 0630, had breakfast at 0800, third study in Ephesians at 0900, drove back to the other side of the island to go to work at 1000. Got some lunch and dinner since I worked from 1130-2230. After I got off of work, I drove back to Bellows, and watched some of singing around the fire until about 2130, went to get some sleep before I had to wake up to do security again that night. Needless to say, I didn't go to bed Sunday till about 2130, so a little low on sleep.
Despite the fact of the low levels of sleep, the camp was great and I feel like the kids learned a lot. The teachings were all great and the leaders really are blessing the kids a lot. There was a water baptism at the end of the camp and there were a handful of kids that went down to get baptized. Some of the kids also went around sharing the gospel with patrons on the beach. I know I'm not giving the weekend full justice. I blame it on the lack of sleep, which I know is a very poor excuse. On the other hand, I will leave you with an amazing sunrise picture.
So this weekend, was my church's youth (Junior and Senior High School) retreat out at Bellows AFS out on the East side of Oahu. I volunteered to work as a security person from 0200-0600. Needless to say, I am lacking sleep from this weekend. My weekend went pretty much like this, woke up Friday at 0400, went to work, got to Bellows at about 1800 Friday evening listened to the first study in Ephesians, had dinner there, listened to second chapter in Ephesians, helped prepare the fire pit and firewood for the fire at about 2000. After the fire started, hung out for a bit, but went to get some sleep about 2100, I got some unrestful sleep, woke up at 0150 and then did security duty till 0600. During that time, I watched the Perseid meteor shower, it was pretty good, but the full moon that night made it hard to see the meteors in that part of the sky. I watched the sunrise at about 0530-0600, woke up the kids at 0630, had breakfast at 0800, third study in Ephesians at 0900, drove back to the other side of the island to go to work at 1000. Got some lunch and dinner since I worked from 1130-2230. After I got off of work, I drove back to Bellows, and watched some of singing around the fire until about 2130, went to get some sleep before I had to wake up to do security again that night. Needless to say, I didn't go to bed Sunday till about 2130, so a little low on sleep.
Despite the fact of the low levels of sleep, the camp was great and I feel like the kids learned a lot. The teachings were all great and the leaders really are blessing the kids a lot. There was a water baptism at the end of the camp and there were a handful of kids that went down to get baptized. Some of the kids also went around sharing the gospel with patrons on the beach. I know I'm not giving the weekend full justice. I blame it on the lack of sleep, which I know is a very poor excuse. On the other hand, I will leave you with an amazing sunrise picture.
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Sunrise Saturday |
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Sunrise Sunday |
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Sunrise Sunday |
Monday, August 8, 2011
Back to a Normal Pattern
Well last week I went back to classes, well what was suppose to be classes. My other classmates were finishing their oral board reviews and some of them did poorly, leading to the test that we had on Wednesday to be pushed off till today. I guess it was good in a way, since I had to catch up on all the stuff that I was suppose to have learned 6 months ago. Yes, it has been 6 months since I was last in class. Where did the year go? Anyways, I didn't have to stay late each day like some of my classmates. Friday was a good time though of fellowship with them. It was their one year anniversary celebration, and pretty much everyone was invited to come to it. It was a good time. We went to Side Street Inn down in town, I do have to say it was quite enjoyable. With about 22 of us, we spent almost $1000 at the restaurant, just shy though. Lots of drinks and great food. One of the awesome things was that Daniel Dae Kim showed up with his family to eat there! For those that don't know who he is, he was in the TV series Lost and most recently Hawaii Five-O. No, I didn't get a picture with him since the restaurant asked us not to bother him. It was still cool seeing the celebrity.
So Saturday, I went to the beach with friends and we barbecued out there, well more like grilling. A bit of some background, this group of friends are notorious for being late. We are rarely on time for anything and have horrible communication skills. With that being said, they ended up being 2 hours late picking me up. Yeah, I was stupid for being ready on time. During the meantime though while I was waiting, I played chess with one of my roommates. I am quite rusty at the game since I made such stupid mistakes and all. Oh well, I still won. :)
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http://www.koreanbeacon.com/tag/daniel-dae-kim/ |
Let's see there was a large ship that pulled into the harbor during the week and left sometime this weekend, what wasn't really what I would call a "military" ship, but it was rather larger. I found out that it was the Green Bay and I found a picture of it online so you all can see what it looked like.
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http://www.vesseltracker.com/en/ShipPhotos/128883-.html |
Other news, I have hung out with my roommates a lot more this week and it has been great. I went to dinner with two of them at the Dixie Grill, where I think they have hired almost all the haole (white) females on the island to work there. Well it just seemed like it since there was a lot of them. It was some good southern style food. We also got some Thai food during the week, which was good, but I still like the other Thai restaurant that is in the area.
I guess lastly, is that it has been very trying to talk to some people at church. Politics and views that differ just get in the way. One of the biggest is that the church is starting a new college and career group, since the last attempt pretty much sputtered out and died. They named the group Alpha Pi Omega. I get the whole Alpha and the Omega part, being the beginning and the end, relating to Christ. The Pi part is for, well I can't remember and I should get a write up sometime on why it was picked that. But if you look online for Alpha Pi Omega, you find that it is a Sorority, mainly for Native Americans and all. It is somewhat disturbing that the group is the same as a Sorority and when I brought it up, it was brushed off like "it doesn't matter, we (I) choose it because of ________" Anyways, the group is doing a series by Focus on the Family, Does God Exist? a TrueU series. It is close to the Truth Project, but more aimed towards college age students. I'm not sure if I really want to go, it might be me, and then the "clique" group of the Sunday Night worship team minus one. It starts tomorrow, Aug 9th, so I have a day to think about it. I should give it a try though.
The other things is that one of my friends at church is going hard core in studying the Mormon Bible and the discrepancies that are written in them. I am hesitant for someone doing that with such intensity because the last person that I knew that did that, fell away from the Christianity and converted to Mormonism. There was no dissuading him at all. It is very hard talking to him because he only wants to talk about a few subjects. The newest being the difference in the Book of Mormon compared to the Bible, the end of the world possibly on September 23 with the Feast of Trumpets and the comet in the sky, etc, the way the New World Order is taking over the world, and UFC. Yes, the last one is just a random one but it is one of the things he talks about. It's just discouraging because he only wants to ever talk about these subjects and nothing else. Sure, I can lead the conversation away for a bit, but it always come back to those topics. It is a wonder why he has very little friends at UH Manaoa. One of the last things we were discussing was that "talking" to people consisted him emailing his entire class about a topic of discussion. My point was that "talking" is actual face to face talking, or on the phone with someone. Anyways, I need more patience with him.
And Ashley, if you do read these at all, you owe quite a few burritos.
I guess lastly, is that it has been very trying to talk to some people at church. Politics and views that differ just get in the way. One of the biggest is that the church is starting a new college and career group, since the last attempt pretty much sputtered out and died. They named the group Alpha Pi Omega. I get the whole Alpha and the Omega part, being the beginning and the end, relating to Christ. The Pi part is for, well I can't remember and I should get a write up sometime on why it was picked that. But if you look online for Alpha Pi Omega, you find that it is a Sorority, mainly for Native Americans and all. It is somewhat disturbing that the group is the same as a Sorority and when I brought it up, it was brushed off like "it doesn't matter, we (I) choose it because of ________" Anyways, the group is doing a series by Focus on the Family, Does God Exist? a TrueU series. It is close to the Truth Project, but more aimed towards college age students. I'm not sure if I really want to go, it might be me, and then the "clique" group of the Sunday Night worship team minus one. It starts tomorrow, Aug 9th, so I have a day to think about it. I should give it a try though.
The other things is that one of my friends at church is going hard core in studying the Mormon Bible and the discrepancies that are written in them. I am hesitant for someone doing that with such intensity because the last person that I knew that did that, fell away from the Christianity and converted to Mormonism. There was no dissuading him at all. It is very hard talking to him because he only wants to talk about a few subjects. The newest being the difference in the Book of Mormon compared to the Bible, the end of the world possibly on September 23 with the Feast of Trumpets and the comet in the sky, etc, the way the New World Order is taking over the world, and UFC. Yes, the last one is just a random one but it is one of the things he talks about. It's just discouraging because he only wants to ever talk about these subjects and nothing else. Sure, I can lead the conversation away for a bit, but it always come back to those topics. It is a wonder why he has very little friends at UH Manaoa. One of the last things we were discussing was that "talking" to people consisted him emailing his entire class about a topic of discussion. My point was that "talking" is actual face to face talking, or on the phone with someone. Anyways, I need more patience with him.
And Ashley, if you do read these at all, you owe quite a few burritos.
Monday, August 1, 2011
August already?
What to report the past week......well, my last day down on the project was this weekend. My training supervisor decided to bring myself and the other guy that is in the same class as me back up to class since we were suppose to start a new section this week after the midterm that everyone else had to take. Well, I think that plan just got changed today since the test got moved to Monday. Good/bad thing now is that I will take part of the test with them, which I guess will gauge how much I remember of things that I learned six months ago.
I don't think I have much else really of interest to report. I went on a hunt to find the older covers of the book series A Song of Fire and Ice by George R. R. Martin. I am on the hunt for these because I don't really like the new covers. I know, a somewhat lame reason, but that's all I got and I'm sticking with it. I also ended up buying more books in series that I have from Borders that they still had after the initial rush of customers going to the stores to get "good" deals.
I also saw Captain America this weekend. It was actually pretty good. I dont' remember much from the comics, but I would have to say that Captain America was much better than Green Lantern. Just a better story overall and during the credits, it brought back the old fashion cartoons and newspaper feel. If you stay to the end of the credits, there is something at the end of the movie as well.
The last thing I guess I have to talk about is some questions that I have been posed and I guess fully don't know how to Biblically base the answer. One the question being about tattoos after becoming a Christian. Personally, I find tattoos fine as long as they aren't outrageous or distracting. In some ways, it is a reminder for some people they should always live their life for God. I'm fine with small tattoos, tattoos that are not worldly based or a blatant worship of the devil. The counter argument is that your body is a temple for God. True in that respect. I just don't know 100% wise if tattoos are specifically forbidden to Christians. Second thing is, I guess the next "big" event for prophesy watchers is the Feast of Trumpets that is happening I believe the 23rd of September. It has to do with that time and also a comet in the sky that aligns in a certain way. It's beyond what I 100% care about since it was mixing astrology and guessing to the maximum, but the family that I have sometimes talked about, brought it up and was going crazy about it. They spend pretty much all day reading websites that are about prophesy, watching TV and sermons on it, and I think also read the Bible. It just seems that they are "closet" Christians in that they just talk and study and not actually go out sharing the good news. The excuse is that "I just don't know enough". I personally feel that it is on par with the Pharisees trying to know everything and being experts, but not doing what we are called to do, which is to share the Gospel to the lost. I still have to think on this.
I don't think I have much else really of interest to report. I went on a hunt to find the older covers of the book series A Song of Fire and Ice by George R. R. Martin. I am on the hunt for these because I don't really like the new covers. I know, a somewhat lame reason, but that's all I got and I'm sticking with it. I also ended up buying more books in series that I have from Borders that they still had after the initial rush of customers going to the stores to get "good" deals.
I also saw Captain America this weekend. It was actually pretty good. I dont' remember much from the comics, but I would have to say that Captain America was much better than Green Lantern. Just a better story overall and during the credits, it brought back the old fashion cartoons and newspaper feel. If you stay to the end of the credits, there is something at the end of the movie as well.
The last thing I guess I have to talk about is some questions that I have been posed and I guess fully don't know how to Biblically base the answer. One the question being about tattoos after becoming a Christian. Personally, I find tattoos fine as long as they aren't outrageous or distracting. In some ways, it is a reminder for some people they should always live their life for God. I'm fine with small tattoos, tattoos that are not worldly based or a blatant worship of the devil. The counter argument is that your body is a temple for God. True in that respect. I just don't know 100% wise if tattoos are specifically forbidden to Christians. Second thing is, I guess the next "big" event for prophesy watchers is the Feast of Trumpets that is happening I believe the 23rd of September. It has to do with that time and also a comet in the sky that aligns in a certain way. It's beyond what I 100% care about since it was mixing astrology and guessing to the maximum, but the family that I have sometimes talked about, brought it up and was going crazy about it. They spend pretty much all day reading websites that are about prophesy, watching TV and sermons on it, and I think also read the Bible. It just seems that they are "closet" Christians in that they just talk and study and not actually go out sharing the good news. The excuse is that "I just don't know enough". I personally feel that it is on par with the Pharisees trying to know everything and being experts, but not doing what we are called to do, which is to share the Gospel to the lost. I still have to think on this.
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